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Integrated Medical Solutions a.s.

Jankovcova 1518/2,
Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7

Company Registration Number: 044 52 020
Case Number: B 20991 with the Prague City Court

Branches of Activity:

Own property management

Basic information about the company (

Michaela Bartůňková

Product Manager

Petr Boušek

Sales Representative

Statutory Managing Director:

Ing. Miroslav Herden
Phone: +420 731 429 633


MONA 1.09 version launched 7th September 2017


The version features following new features and options:

  • Calendar features have undergone an essential makeover aiming to facilitate and speed up appointment scheduling and management.
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MONA 1.08 version launched 25th July 2017


The version features following new features and options:

  • New feature – communication with a spirometer. It enables to start new spirometer measurement, scan the result of the measurement and save it in the database, as well as examine the results and rewrite them in the outpatient card (decourse). The information is communicated via a standard GDT format.
  • New feature - outpatient card attachments. The new feature enables saving attachments (files) in outpatient cards. If you enclose the attachment to the outpatient card, a hypertext link to the attachment is automatically pasted in the decourse. You can either enclose the attachments directly or open a window listing all attachments (files) of the patient. In this window you can choose the attachment that you wish to enclose in the patient’s card.
  • The option to view patients from other surgeries, providing the surgery has been authorized to view (share) the patients whose cards were created in other surgeries (set / authorized in application details of the surgery whose patients are to be viewed by other surgeries).
  • Extension of configurable parameters within the application setting (a detailed list in the changelog).
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MONA 1.07 version launched 25th April 2017


The version features following new features and options:

  • New feature – “inability to work”. It enables to create new temporary inability to work, take over existing work inability from other doctor, create a report of the treating doctor (including delegating the patient to another doctor) and terminate the inability to work. It supports both classical work inability paper forms and work inability e-forms, including direct communication with ČSSZ work inability portal (you can send the work inability forms or announcements from the application).
  • A new “App Parameters” window features parameters shared by the entire application. The window can be opened by clicking on the “App Parameters” icon (button) in the “Total Setting Overview”.
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MONA 1.06 version launched 3rd March 2017


The version features following new features and options:

  • It enables to download, and view medication specification or patient information leaflet of the medication produced on large scale.
  • The code list of large scale production medication contains detailed information on the medication including information about the indication and prescription limitations and the evidence limit. 
  • Another new feature includes checking for indication, evidence and prescription limitations when choosing medication to prescribe. If the chosen medication involves one of the limitations, a dialog with the relevant announcement pops up.
  • Another new feature includes checking for indication, evidence and prescription limitations when choosing ZÚM / ZÚLP certificate medication. If the chosen medication involves one of the limitations, a dialog with the relevant announcement pops up.
  • A new window / form displaying all pictures of the patient. You can view the window by clicking on “Picture” icon in the outpatient card. In the window you can not only manage the pictures (create, adjust and delete pictures) but also choose pictures to enclose in the outpatient card record.
  • Medication history – a new window displaying all medication the patient has been prescribed or given based on ZÚM / ZÚLP certificate or used in inoculation.
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